Help Your Credit with Your Credit Card
It’s a tool many people use as an ongoing loan. Rewards programs, travel points, dividends at the end of the year – they’re all ways that credit card providers employ to entice you to use your card even more. Why pay for it now when you could wait until the next month, or the one after that, all while paying just a little (or a lot of) interest? Credit cards get many a user into financial trouble, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It can be a great way to build your credit, making it easier to service your car or buy your next Honda from Jay Wolfe Honda.
Pay Off Your Credit Card Monthly
It’s when you leave your credit card balance unpaid that you begin to get over your head. Interest charges accumulate quickly – sometimes you don’t realize it until you’re in deep. If you make it a point to pay off your credit card every month, you’ll make smart purchasing decisions. You’ll only buy the things you know you can pay off when the bill arrives.Set Boundaries on Purchases
You can set your own boundaries, but here are a few examples:- Never charge more than $500 to your card in a day.
- Only charge material purchases, not food or drinks.
- Don’t make same-day purchasing decisions.